Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Madvillain - Madvilliany *****

Probably my favorite hip-hop album

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Microcastle *****

Fluorescent Grey Ep ****

Cryptograms ***1/2

If you don't know this band, you should.

500 Days of Summer ****1/2
Starring Zooey Deschanel & Joseph Gordon-Levitt

When Forgetting Sarah Marshall came out I had friends who said it was the most realistic breakup movie they had ever seen. When I saw I thought it was really good (don't get me wrong) but I thought the circumstances of the breakup were far to specific. The thing about 500 Days of Summer is that it is completely universal; everyone has been in his (or her) position. Everything from the Hall & Oats dance sequence to the argument about titles is done perfectly. Both Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt play their parts exceptionally well and make it that much more fun to watch.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca ****

Dirty Projectors collaborated with David Byrne on the song "Knotty Pine" for the compilation Dark Was The Night. It was one of the most original songs I have hearrdin the last few years and Bitte Orca is just as good. Every song is brilliant! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fever Ray - Fever Ray ****1/2

This album is almost perfect. It is by far one of the best albums of the year. I don't even know what to say.

Department of Eagles - In Ear Park ****

Daniel Rossen is one of my favorite guitarists. His main project is Grizzly Bear, but this is a really great album from his side project Department of Eagles.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sun Araw - Beach Head ***

This record really feels like it was meant for warm weather so I'm giving you something to last you until the end of the summer. My only real gripe with this record is that it is a little inaccessible at times, however, it is great to fall asleep to.

Friday, July 24, 2009

There are more channels on YouTube than I care to think about. The Fact that Fred is the most subscribed channel on the site is extremely fucking sad. This fact aside, I thought I would post a few links to some of my favorite people on YouTube.


-Hilarious dry humor
-I didn't even realize this guy was a humorist at first, it's that good.
-Too funny!
-This guy is a truly brilliant musician. I really hope you enjoy his stuff!

J. Tillman - Cancer and Delirium ***1/2

I just found this record today and am very impressed by it. It is J. Tillman, drummer for Fleet Foxes performing as a solo artist. Hope you enjoy it.