Toro y Moi / Caribou - May 18th, 2010It's been a while since my last post, and for that I apologize, but it has also been quite a hectic couple months, so deal with it.
Here's the Review:
I should dwell on the fact that I came to show for Toro y Moi, who was great, and how Caribou really blew me away, not being familiar with his new album, but all I find myself thinking is that the crowd was the worst! I was stuck behind what I can only assume was a bunch of X-ed out hipster fucks who thought they were a lot funnier, cooler and sexier (some of you may no what I mean if you were unfortunate enough to be as close to their shittyness as I was) than they actually were. And I know that I shouldn't bring that kind of stuff into a good, professional review, but this isn't a good, professional review and those people sucked! I guess all I'm trying to do is put this out there and hope that one of those people reads it and realizes that when they act like a douche and scream "I'm sexy!" over the music, it ruins the show for everyone else.
On to the actual review: Toro y Moi's live band was great! Some of the songs seemed a little rough around the edges, but they are probably still getting used to playing together, but other that a little roughness their set was great! I've become a pretty huge fan of his over the last few months, and his live performance was all I hoped i would be.
Caribou was also really great! I have only been listening to him for a few days in preporation for the show, and I had purposefully decided to not get Swim until the show so that I would feel more motivated to get it on vinyl. I loved the songs he played from earlier works as well as the more dancy tracks off of Swim. His light show was also really great and complimented the music perfectly. I was also very impressed by his musical range as well as his mastery of all of he instruments he used.
All and all, a really great show (other than some fuckers)!