Wednesday October 28 - Dirty Projectors with Golden Boots at The Rhythm Room
I am not that excited about Golden Boots. Their set was alright, but nothing that special. I got the impression that they thought they were a lot weirder then they were. Wacky hats and lab coats don't make your set any more fun, I'm just saying.
Dirty Projectors, however, were brilliant. This was favorite concert this year. The group is just so tight and in tune with one another. I was very impressed. Brian Mcomber's drumming really blew me away; the fact that he could keep up with Longstreth's constantly changing tempo was really impressive. Also, Amber Coffman's ability to play guitar that technically while singing the way she does was crazy, which reminds me, the vocal hocketing was insane live! I can't even begin to tell you how blown away by this band I was. If and when they come to AZ again, I'm there!
The standout songs in my mind were "Fucked for Life", "Two Doves", "Useful Chamber" and "Ascending Melody".
After the show I got Dave Longstreth, Amber Coffman and Haley Dekle to sign my LP. I'm pretty stoked.